

 The frail aaji sat under a tree, bent down, deeply absorbed in her work. Before her sat the large basket that held her delicate craftsmanship. Gajre. Around her, time sped; cars and motorcycles roaring by, people walking, children running. But in her little valay, the universe bent its rules of time, and as I crossed her, I could feel myself stopping and turning...

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Picturebook Work

Bedtime, Rhymes and Babies being Born

  My latest book project is a bit different from the other traditional books I have worked on. The Story of Me is a bedtime book of rhymes about how a baby came to be born.  The different part is that readers can get a 'personalised' version of it printed specially for their child. Parents can choose the family they most resemble, add a...

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Of Donkeys and Kindness

I have been an animal lover ever since I remember. It has never taken much to melt my heart; the stray dog around the corner or the chattering bird at the window wins my love and sympathy in a moment. But what evokes an especially tender feeling in me is the sight of the adorable and incredibly gentle creature that is the donkey....

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Looking for Nieba

I've just received my copy of 'Looking for Nieba'! It is a story I worked on, set in Bamako, Mali about two donkeys who are the best of friends (more about it here). So happy to hold a physical copy! This project allowed me to discover a wonderful charity by the name of SPANA. They work to provide medical support for working animals...

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The End of a Species

The Yangtze giant softshell turtle species lost its last known female a few days ago. She was over 90 years old. Living in the rivers of southern and eastern China, and northern Vietnam, these turtles may have been the largest freshwater turtles in the world. As far as we know, only three males remain now, one in captivity and two in the wild....

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