
Looking for Nieba

October 10, 2019

I've just received my copy of 'Looking for Nieba'!
It is a story I worked on, set in Bamako, Mali about two donkeys who are the best of friends (more about it here). So happy to hold a physical copy!

This project allowed me to discover a wonderful charity by the name of SPANA.

They work to provide medical support for working animals all over the world. This work helps make life better not just for the animals but also for the the families that employ and care for them. What's more, SPANA also helps train local communities in basic animal care and believes in spreading a message of compassion towards working animals. This book was commissioned to further that cause.

Do visit their website to know more about their invaluable work!

The book is also translated into French. Hannah and Christelle from SPANA (the nicest people to work with) let me try doing hand-drawn cover typography for both titles!

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