

Work done on the subject of 'Migration'. Draws heavily from personal experience, this one! Happily, it has been shortlisted for this year's Searle Award! Shortlisted work will be exhibited in the Ruskin Gallery from 21st March to 12th April 2012. ...

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At Foyles Art Gallery

Our MA show at the Foyles Art Gallery has just ended. It was a wonderful experience from beginning to end!The preparation, involving the cutting and mounting of all our work, was tiring but fun. There's Katie Mountford (classmate and friend) busy cutting out her wonderful little animal pencil drawings! And this was the first time I had framed my original work. I must...

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Picturebook Work

Sophie’s Friend

'Sophie's Friend' is a children’s picture book made in the final project of my MA course. It is so nice to see our own work printed nicely in a real, physical book!! Here it is among some of my friends’ books! 'Little Brown' by Narisa Togo  and 'The Snow Fox' by Rosemary Shojaie. They will all be on display at our MA show...

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Our MA Show featuring illustration work from the graduating students' of the Children’s Book Illustration course at the Cambridge School of Art. The exhibition is held at Foyles Art Gallery in London and is open to all. Also showing at ARU, Ruskin Gallery from the 29th of February to the 15th of March. ...

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