
At Foyles Art Gallery

February 17, 2012

Our MA show at the Foyles Art Gallery has just ended. It was a wonderful experience from beginning to end!

The preparation, involving the cutting and mounting of all our work, was tiring but fun. There's Katie Mountford (classmate and friend) busy cutting out her wonderful little animal pencil drawings!

And this was the first time I had framed my original work. I must say I was pleased. It just looks so different when its presented like that!

The gallery was a lovely little place. Here it is, before the show was put up, blank walls and panels waiting for everyone's work to adorn them.

At the end of a long, busy day, the work was up and ready.

And here's my panel!

Congratulations to everyone for putting up such a wonderful show, and thank you to all who came to see it. We had a very good response thanks to you!
We show again at Ruskin Gallery in Cambridge on the 29th of February to the 15th of March.

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