
The Diverse Republic

January 26, 2016

On this day, sixty six years ago, the Constitution of India came into force. 

It is a beautiful, far-reaching document that lives and breathes and has a life of its own, and a mind too. In it there is a place for every soul born in this diverse land.

But with our actions, and our choices, we need to uphold that sacred document.

Every person here deserves to be here, and we don't even know how incredibly diverse we are!
Variety is in our history, in the very nature around us, and it runs, perhaps unknown to us, in the blood flowing through our veins. Let us not forget our duty to accept each other, alongwith our differences.

Because what makes us different also makes us so very interesting! 

I wish you all a Happy Republic Day. I hope we all do something thoughtful and meaningful today for somebody else, however small it may be.

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