A White Raven and a Baby Elephant

October 10, 2018

Every year, the Internationale Jugendbibliothek or the International Youth Library in Munich recommends books from all over the world in its prestigious annual catalogue and gives them the badge of White Raven. This year, there are 200 titles chosen from 59 countries in 38 languages. Among these are some absolute beauties like Franklin's Flying Bookshop, Mrs. Noah's Pockets (illustrated by the wonderful James Mayhew who was one of our much loved tutors), Imaginary Fred and The Journey.

Dance of the Wild is the only one from India that made it to the 2018 list! It is humbling to be among such wonderful company.


I think it is really beautiful to have such a variety of books in one catalogue. Every culture, every language has a different way of approaching a picturebook. There are so many beautiful books for children from all over the world, and it is very inspiring to learn about them.

Here are some I'd love to get a closer look at, although I'm sure there are many more lovely ones I haven't managed to mention here.

In the order of the images above:

In addition to being included in the catalogue, 'Dance of the Wild' was appreciated closer to home too. It was runner up for the 'Children's Book of the Year' award at the Publishing Next Awards 2018 and was an In-book winner of the Kyoorius Design Awards 2018, which meant we got to bring home this little Baby Elephant! I call her Baby Ellie; isn't she adorable?

Thank you to everyone who appreciated the book, it is heartening to know that an Indian book with a subject like this can be so well received.

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