Lion Hudson

Bible Promises

I have been told, more than once, that my style of work would suit ‘spiritual’ subjects. It pleases me, although I cannot confess to being religious in any way. Yet the sort of wonder and beauty we see in nature, in children, in some types of music and art is, to me, much more than what the materialist would concede. My recent project...

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Picturebook Work


For the past few months, I've been busy with a picturebook project that has made me work in a slightly different way compared to my usual watercolour. This is the first time I've incorporated collage into my painting, and while I'm still getting the hang of it, I've really enjoyed experimenting!The project was about an endearing little girl called Nabiya and her journey...

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Across the seas...

My mind has drifted across the seas... to a land I have learnt much from, and grown to love.This is a drawing promised to a kind lady under whose roof (the very roof in the drawing, by the way) we lived and spent some very beautiful months.Drawing this has made me think of her and her kindness, of the moments spent in her...

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Raindrops Launch

 Last week I spent a rainy, quiet morning amidst beautiful books and smiling children. It was at the launch of Raindrops at Kitabkhana, a bookstore in South Mumbai. It is a calm, quiet place, filled with books and a perfect venue for a small group of happy children (and adults) to come, read and play around. The children giggled and talked to us...

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Picturebook Work


The very first Indian picture book I've illustrated is out! It is called Raindrops and can be bought here.Since I'm staying away from home for a few months, I haven't yet seen the printed book. I cannot wait to get back and hold it in my own hands. No screen can replace the feel, smell, touch of paper, especially a book, printed and...

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Bologna Book Fair 2013

It was great to visit the Bologna Book Fair this year, on its 50th anniversary. It is the world's largest book fair dedicated solely to children's books, which is what makes it so relevant to us. It is inspiring to simply walk through the fair, looking at the beautiful books, the stunning artwork and the variety of subjects that are entering children's literature. ...

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Observation Drawing in Italy

A couple of weeks ago, we travelled to Italy to visit the Bologna Book Fair, and took a short detour to visit Venice and Rome.Though the weather wasn't the best, the picturesque views made sure all three of us (Ting, Rosemary and I) were scratching away in our sketchbooks. Italian buildings are a pleasure to draw, especially Venice - it is disorder in...

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Crazy Characters

 For the past few months I have been illustrating for picture books by other authors. It is quite challenging to visualise something that you haven't created yourself. On the other hand, it is lovely to work from a base, to start with already existing material or ideas, so you can build upon it.One of these stories was a kind of nonsense rhyme about a...

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